About me

I'm currently Lecturer in English for Academic Purposes at the University of Leeds. My research interests include corpus linguistics and digital humanities. I have been working on projects related to Cantonese, EAP, and more broadly language and culture.
Here's my CV.



Lam, C., Lau, C.-M. & Lee, J. (2024). Multi-Tiered Cantonese Word Segmentation. Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 14, 11993–12002. https://aclanthology.org/2024.lrec-main.1047/

Lam, C. & Nnamoko, N. (2024). Quantitative metrics to the cars model in academic discourse in biology introductions. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse, 71–77. https://aclanthology.org/2024.codi-1.7/

Lam, C. & Pai, R. (2024). Teaching Hong Kong, Learning Hong Kong: Cantonese Humor as a Resource. Hong Kong Studies 4(1), 83–103. [PDF]

Lee, J., Chen, L., Lam, C., Lau, C., & Tsui, T.-H. (2022). PyCantonese: Cantonese linguistics and NLP in Python. Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 13. [PDF]

Lam, C. & Leung, G. (2022). Examining the Emergence of Hong Kong Identity: A Critical Study of the 1970s Cantonese Sketch Comedy, The Hui Brothers Show. East Asian Journal of Popular Culture 8.2. https://intellectdiscover.com/content/journals/10.1386/eapc_00074_1

Lam, C. (2022). How Digital Platforms Facilitate Parody: Online Humor in the Construction of Hong Kong Identity. Comedy Studies 13(1).

Lam, C. (2021). Identities are no joke (or are they?): Humor and identity in Vivek Mahbubani’s stand-up. HUMOR: The International Journal of Humor Studies. https://doi.org/10.1515/humor-2021-0049

Lam, C. (2021). Reduplication as summation. In H. Filip (Ed.), Counting and Measuring in Natural Language (pp. 145–160). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781316823774

Lam, C. (2020). Forms and meanings of lexical reduplications in Cantonese: a corpus study. In Proceedings of PACLIC 34: 562-567.

Lam, C. (2020). The V-one-V construction in Cantonese. Studies in Chinese Linguistics 41(2), 161-184. [PDF]

Lam, C., Leung, B., Yip, C. & Yung, J. (2020). A linguistic approach to misinformation in Chinese. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Humanities Research. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2723/

Lam, C. & C. Wong (2020). Accent in digital humanities and language studies: The case in Hong Kong. 3L: The Southeast Asian Journal of English Language Studies 26(1):32-43. [PDF]

Lam, C. & C. Wong (2017). Challenges in digital literacy in English curriculum. In: Proceedings of the teaching NLP for digital humanities workshop (Teach4DH), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Retrieved from http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1918/

Francis, E., Lam, C., Zheng, C., Hitz, J. & S. Matthews. (2015). Resumptive pronouns, structural complexity, and the elusive distinction between grammar and performance: evidence from Cantonese. Lingua. accepted manuscript

Lam, C. (2014). A unified analysis to surpass comparative and experiential aspect. In Proceedings of PACLIC 28. [PDF]

Lam, C. (2014). A unified semantic analysis of classifiers and reduplication across nominal and verbal domains. In Proceedings of the PLA Symposium 2014. [PDF]

Lam, C. (2013). Reduplication across Categories in Cantonese. In Proceedings of PACLIC 27. [PDF]

Presentations (click here for the presentations)

Lam, C. (Jul, 2024). Sub-disciplinary variations in biology texts and implications on instructions. (Poster Presentation at the 11th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Biennial Conference, University of Cambridge, UK)

Lam, C. (Jun, 2024). (Re)Presenting Cantonese and diasporic Hong Kong in Anglophone stand- up comedy. (Presentation at the Workshop on Hong Kong Cultures, Arts and Languages in the UK, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

Leung, G., Wu, M.-H., Wong, C., & Lam, C. (Jun, 2024). Good Eat: Identity and authenticity through language in Hong Kong eateries. (Presentation at the Workshop on Hong Kong Cultures, Arts and Languages in the UK, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom)

Lam, C., & Nnamoko, N. (Mar, 2024). Quantitative metrics to the cars model in academic discourse in biology introductions. (Poster Presentation at the 5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse, Malta)

Lam, C. (Dec, 2023). Lessons from the English teaching community. Presentation in the panel "Cantonese Pedagogical Resources in the AI Era", 27th International Conference on Yue Dialects. The Ohio State University.

Lam, C., Leung, G., Wu, M. & Wong, C. (Dec, 2023). What's eating Hongkongers? Transplanting Hong Kong food overseas. Presentation in the When Hong Kong Studies Go Global Conference. Taiwan.

Lam, C. & Wong, C. (Oct, 2023). Discursive identity construction through democratisation of creativity and production in Hong Kong pop culture. Presentation in the Symposium Identity and Identity Construction in Language and Discourse. Brest, France.

Lam, C. & Wong, C. (Jun, 2023). 2000s: A Space/Time Odyssey of Hong Kong. Presentation in the AAS in Asia Conference. Daegu, South Korea.

Lam, C. (Mar, 2023). Cynicism as Hong Kong identity: Dayo Wong's Stand-up Comedy. Presentation in the 13th Humor Research Conference. Texas A&M University - Commerce.

Lam, C., Lau, C. M. & Lee, J. (May, 2022). Analyzing Cantonese Corpus Data. Presentation in the Sixth Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-6).

Lam, C. & Pai, R. (Dec, 2021). Teaching Hong Kong, Learning Hong Kong: Cantonese Humor as a Resource. Paper presented at "Teaching Hong Kong, Hong Kong Teaching: A Hong Kong Studies Symposium".

Lam, C. (Sep, 2021). Adjectives in Cantonese are not verbs. Paper presented at "Adjective - The Unknown Category" workshop at the Annual conference of the Societas Linguistica Europaea 2021.

Lam, C. (May, 2021). Digital processing of Cantonese corpus data. School of Cantonese Studies, Education University of Hong Kong.

Lam, C. (May, 2021). How digital platforms facilitate parody and satire: humor in the constructionof Hong Kong identity. International Conference on Digital Representation and Research in Arts, Humanities and Culture, the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Wong, C., & Lam, C. (May, 2021). Poetics of time and identity in Hong Kong lyrics: a digital investigation. Hong Kong Popular Culture: Imagining a Research Field

Lam, C. (Feb, 2021). Fake news and where to find them: Identifying misinformation through natural language processing and AI. Invited talk in the International Conference on Mis-information and Fake News, the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.

Lam, C. (Nov, 2020). A linguistic approach to misinformation in Chinese. Workshop on Computational Humanities Research (CHR). Hong Kong.

Lam, C. (Oct, 2020). Forms and meanings of lexical reduplications in Cantonese: a corpus study. PACLIC 34.

Lam, C. (Jun, 2020). Acceptability judgments of Cantonese data and their implications (Invited Talk). The 3rd Forum on Cantonese Linguistics. Hong Kong.

Lam, C. (Apr, 2020). Variations in Cantonese relative clauses: an experimental approach. The 4th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-5). The Ohio State University.

Lam, C. (Jun, 2019). The V-one-V construction in Cantonese. The 1st International Workshop on Cantonese Syntax. Olomouc, Czech Republic.

Lam, C. (Apr, 2019). Cantonese relative clauses with ge3 and classifier [廣東話「嘅」「嗰啲」關係子句]. Workshop on Cantonese 19. Hong Kong.

Lam, C. (Dec, 2018). Classifier-less nominals in Hokkien and Cantonese. The 11th Cross-Strait Symposium on Modern Chinese Language. Hong Kong.

Lam, C. & Wong, C. (Aug, 2018). Language studies in the AI era: challenges and opportunities. The 1st International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Humanities. Seoul, Korea.

Lam, C. (Jun, 2018). Constraints of the V-one-V construction in Cantonese: Evidence from corpus data. The 4th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-4). Vancouver, Canada.

Lam, C., Leung, G., & Pai, R. (Jun, 2018). Identities are no joke (or are they?): Humor and identity in Vivek Mahbubani’s stand-up. The 4th Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-4). Vancouver, Canada

Lam, C., Leung, G., & Uchikoshi, Y. (Dec, 2017). Narrative development in bilingual children: Evidence from Cantonese heritage speakers in the U.S. The Second International Symposium on Chinese Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISOCTAL–2), Milan.

Lam, C. & Wong, C. (Sep, 2017). Challenges in digital literacy in English curriculum. Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities Teach4DH workshop, in conjunction with GSCL – Language Technologies for the Challenges of the Digital Age, Berlin.

Lam, C. & Grose, D. (Jun, 2017). Analyzing reduplication in signed and spoken languages. Sign Languages East and West workshop, in conjunction with the 25th Annual conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics, Budapest.

Lam, C. (Dec, 2016). Cross-categorial behaviors of X-one-X construction in Cantonese. The 21st International conference on Yue dialects. Macau.

Lam, C. (Jul 2016). Two forms of comparatives and the implications on predicate structure of Mandarin. The 24th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chinese Linguistics. Beijing, China.

Lam, C. (Apr 2016). Degree analysis of the transcategoriality in functional HAVE in Cantonese. Workshop on transcategoriality, Second International Conference on Grammaticalization: Theory and Data (Gramm2). Rouen, France.

Lam, C. (Mar 2016). Multiple functions of HAVE in Cantonese: a corpus study. The 3rd Workshop on Innovations in Cantonese Linguistics (WICL-3). Columbus, OH.

Lam, C. (Dec 2015). (Inherently) Count Nouns in Cantonese and the Implications. The 20th International conference on Yue dialects. Hong Kong.

Lam, C. & Wilbur, R. (Nov 2015). Testing constraints on using secondary predicates and perfect aspect in Mandarin. The 6th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics (QITL6) Tübingen, Germany.

Lam, C. (Jan 2015). Boundedness of verbal and adjectival predicates in Mandarin. Poster Presentation at the Linguistics Society of America, Portland, Oregon. Link to LSA / Extended Abstract

Lam, C. (Dec 2014). A unified analysis to surpass comparative and experiential aspect. Poster Presentation at the 28th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information, and Computation

Lam, C. (Oct 2014). Classifiers and unaccusative verbs in Cantonese. Poster Presentation at the first Buckeye East Asian Linguistics Forum, the Ohio State University Poster/ Proceedings of Buckeye East Asian Linguistics, vol. 1

Lam, C. (Mar 2014). A unified semantic analysis of classifiers and reduplication across nominal and verbal domains. Presentation in PLA Symposium 2014 [PDF]

Francis, E., Lam, C., Zheng, C., Hitz, J. & S. Matthews. (March 2014). Resumptive pronouns and structural complexity in Cantonese relative clause production. Poster Presentation in CUNY 2014 [PDF]

Lam, C. (2013). Reduplication as Summation. Presentation in Countability Workshop, Düsseldorf. [PDF]

Lam, C. (2008). Grammaticalization of Classifier ge in Mandarin. Presenation in IACL-16, Beijing.


The title of my dissertation is 'Understanding What Verb Phrases and Adjective Phrases Have in Common: Evidence from Mandarin Alternations'. The experimental study investigates how meaning may influence choice of word order. I tested the boundedness hypothesis on alternations of verbal and adjectival predicates in Mandarin. Click here for the PDF.


  1. Hang Seng University of Hong Kong / Hang Seng Management College (2015-)
    • ENG 1200 Introduction to Linguistics
    • ENG 2010 English for Academic Purpose
    • ENG 2205 Sound Systems of English
    • ENG 3200 Meaning and Language
    • ENG 3220 Bilingualism
    • ENG 3222 Corpus Linguistics
    • ENG 3327 Contrastive Analysis
  2. Purdue University (2011-2015)
    • Structure of Cantonese (Graduate-level), Spring 2014. (course folder)
    • Introduction to Linguistics (LING 201), Summer and Fall 2013. (course website)
    • (as Teaching Assistant) Foundations in Syntax and Semantics, Spring 2013
    • (as Teaching Assistant) Introduction to Linguistics, Fall 2011-Spring 2012